Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lantana tree

During a trip to Longwood Gardens in October, I saw a lantana tree.

I love lantana, but it's one of those annuals I never ever remember to purchase, though it looks lovely in my neighbor's yard. Can you even imagine having a whole tree of it?

Luckily, the Gardens provided some directions:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Finding inspiration in other gardens

I want to visit more gardens this upcoming year. They're a great source for inspiration and can chase away the winter blues. To wit, I asked J for a membership to Longwood Gardens for Christmas this year.

I also discovered that if I volunteer 10 hours over a year (I can do that in a weekend!) at Bartram's Garden, I can get a free membership!

Monday, November 26, 2012

'Tis the season...

...when I wish it was still warm and I wish I wasn't such a slug in summer and got outside more.

...when I'm reading gardening blogs like it's my job, and getting excited for planning in the spring.

...when I'm both overwhelmed and excited by the possibilities next year.