This has been a tough year so far. Winter seemed to never end. Even now, the second to last day of May, it's in the low 60s and feels chilly outside. A series of sad events have occurred in my life that have left me...blah. And being away four out of five weekends in May mean that I'm behind in the garden. I look at all of the weeds and keep walking. I write blog posts in my head while running and then don't type them out. I'm just not that into it this year. But I'm trying to be. Fake it 'til you make it, right? In any case, this isn't supposed to be a depressing post or blog, so on to happier things.
Peony bud - May 14 |
Peony opening - May 29 |
I had pictures taken for my May 2014 Bloom Day but it was the day before J and I left for a 10 day vacation, so the post never happened. But above all else, this blog is a place for me to catalog my garden so I wanted to post an in between Bloom Days update. So I wanted to share some then and now pictures.
Baptisia australis - May 14 |
Baptisia australis - May 29 |
By the way, I'm 5'8 and this Baptisia australis is at eye level. I didn't realize it was "special" until Neighbor M kept exclaiming about its height. The usual websites list it as growing to 3-4'. I guess mine likes its spot very much.
Allium - May 14 |
Allium - May 29 |
Allium christophii - May 14 |
Allium christophii - May 29 |
I bought some Allium christophii bulbs from White Flower Farm (and then my big box store had some, too) last fall after seeing them all over garden blogs. I'm glad I was able to see their show when I returned from vacation.
Allium christophii with Amsonia 'Blue Ice' |
Peony 'Karl Rosenfeld' with Baptisia australis
'Twilite Prairieblues'
Astilbe in the shade of 'Twilite Prairieblues' |
Lady's mantle from my mom |
Baptisia australis 'Solar Flare Prairieblues' |
Iris |
Allium christophii, Baptisia australis, and spiderwort |
Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in Snow' |
Wide view of the back yard - from the back fence |
Wide view of the back yard - from the back patio |
And there you have it. After a long winter, plants are growing again with vigor. There's a lot to see and be thankful for. What's new in your garden?